Beating the Heat: Cooling Vests for Dogs

The warm weather is here - which likely means an adjustment in schedule, preparation, and gear for you and your dog! Adventuring in the summertime means more hydration, shady paths, and taking breaks during your journey. These are all vital tools for keeping our pups (and ourselves) safe in the heat, but sometimes aren’t enough for entirely cooling down.

When panting can’t do the job, the cooling vest for dogs can secure your dog’s safety!

What is a Cooling Vest?

Cooling vests take advantage of the cooling properties of evaporation to cool your dog down. The vest, usually made of a sponge-like material, holds water in the vest until the temperature forces the water to evaporate. This causes a tiny field around your dog that has a drop in temperature relative to the rest of their body, creating a cooling effect. Some vests include a reflective material for the back of the dog, driving another source of cooling - the reflective material will bounce the sun’s rays away from your dog!

Cooling vests are great for energetic, adventurous, and outdoorsy dogs that hate taking a day off from hikes and walks. The dog is still able to enjoy all aspects of their time outside, as the vest stays on them throughout the adventure and is completely non-invasive. Of course, there are days that are too warm to maintain safety for your dog - indoor activities are best for them at that time. However, on warmer days where a cooling technique like this can help ensure their comfort, it’s a great tool to use.

How Can I Use One?

  1. Soak the vest in (preferably cool) water. This can be tap water from your sink, or the river water from the nearby stream! None of the water will be ingested by your dog (unless they’re incredibly flexible), giving you options for water to use.

  2. Like a regular harness, the vest is strapped around the back and chest of the dog. Adjust the straps to your dog’s proportions as needed.

  3. Enjoy your adventure! Your dog shouldn’t experience any uncomfortable sensations with the vest on, but if they are, check the straps and water temperature of the vest.

  4. Wash after each use. Most companies recommend a simple rinse of the vest after each use to maintain material quality. Generally, washing only entails rinsing with water, wringing out the excess, and hanging it to dry! As per usual, check the tag on your cooling vest for brand-specific instructions.

Our recommendation 

Performance Dog Gear company Ruffwear has an excellent option for a cooling vest. The material has both reflective and evaporative cooling properties, complete with abrasion resistance and long-lasting durability. The vest is maximum coverage, providing 50 SPF in covered areas, while being lightweight and comfortable. Their vest comes in sage green and heliotrope purple, with sizes ranging from XXS to XL.

With the summer season approaching, this tool can prepare you and your pup for safe hot-climate travels, and open the door to new adventures! If you enjoy our recommendation, don’t be shy to let us know!


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