The Tool that Makes Walking your Dog Easier

One of the most important aspects of a fun dog walk is having all the great tools- poop bags, treats, your phone, your keys-but what does keeping those tools look like during the walk? The Waterfly Utility Belt is a great tool for keeping all the essentials on you and easily accessible to you on the walk.

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The belt wraps around your waist, with the pouch in front. Pouches range in size from tiny (meant to carry keys) to very spacious, which could carry a phone, wallet, and multiple bags of treats. Bags differ with design, but the Waterfly typically has 5 pockets. The clasp is adjustable, allowing the wearer to adjust accordingly when bulkier, heavier jackets are needed! The bag itself is lightweight, and quality of the material is sturdy and (relatively) weatherproof - it isn’t waterproof, but provides an essential layer between your phone/wallet and the outside world when it’s raining.


Keeping the essentials within hand’s reach at all times is great for having faster reaction times to what’s around you on the walk. Your dog is doing something cute and you want to take a picture? Your phone is in the largest pouch! Need to distract your dog from the cat across the street? It now takes less than a second to grab a treat. Forgot your jacket in your car and have to grab it on the walk? Your keys have already made the journey down the driveway with you.

Along with this high accessibility are the great benefits of repetition. If your items are always in the same pouch, it’ll become an unconscious movement to grab them. Don’t underestimate how fast your mind can adapt to something new! This proves very useful on walks, when timing can be everything, compared to searching every pocket on you for that dang treat. After a couple walks, reaching for the particular item you need will become second nature. Relieving yourself of this extra step of digging around your pockets is great for enhancing the quality of your walks - instead of digging around your pocket, you’re able to focus on your dog, their behaviors, and the environment around you. In return, you’ll have an even faster reaction time to something that requires your attention (squirrel runs by, your dog pulls towards the street, your dog is distracted by another dog, etc). It’s a happy cycle that gives you more and more time to be attentive on walks!

The Waterfly bag provides a ton of much needed accessibility to all your important items, setting you up for a fun and successful walk. It’s light weight, stylish appearance, and variety of pockets allows you to keep all the essentials on you and look good doing it! If you’d like to learn more about how we make walks engaging, check out our blog “Having a Successful Walk!”

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